Ebook news digest: literary tourism, collaborating authors, waterproof ereader, ebook statistics

News on ebooks, writing, and travel

ereader on top of stack of books
Literary Tourism: Travel The World’s Book Towns
Book Riot

Towns with an exceptionally high number of bookstores are sometimes referred to as booktowns. Book Riot has collected the most notable towns from Canada, Norway, … Read the story...

Nordic food and travel book Eight Arctic Seasons has won the Gourmand Award for the best Scandinavian title

8 Arctic Seasons is a book that lives and breathes the sensitive Arctic environment as it describes gourmet meals prepared from local ingredients that often are enjoyed outdoors. The book also takes readers to exquisite adventures to the North. Above … Read the story...

Ebook news digest: respect privacy when photographing, blogging tools, news editors set free

News on ebooks, photography, writing and ereaders

Woman reading an ebook on an ereader, photo by wolfg
Know Your Travel Photography Rights

The title of this excellent post should be something like “How to Respect Privacy Laws when Photographing Overseas”. Every aspiring street photographer and traveler with a camera … Read the story...