Nitpicker’s travel journal: do travelers really need an AI assistant for surviving road toll complexity in EU?

highway traffic moving slowly on a highway in Italian Riviera

A long, but exciting and entertaining road trip took us across Europe from Estonia to southern France in October. All eight countries that were along our route are members of European Union. Thanks to EU, we didn’t have to worry about phenomenal roaming charges for our mobile phone communications, or … Read >

Spanish Mediterranean city of Valencia named as the European Green Capital 2024

turia park, valencia, spain
Turia Park in Valencia.

Since 2008, the European Union has annually awarded Green Capital recognitions to cities that are leaders in environmentally friendly urban living development. Cities with more than 100 000 inhabitants compete for the Green Capital title and towns with 20 000-100 000 residents may try to win … Read >

EU specifies main roads must have charging stations for electric cars every 60 km by 2025

tesla electric car charging in denmark

European Union is serious with its ambition to reduce green house gas emissions by more than 55% by 2030. One of the biggest pollution sources is traffic on busy roads of Continental Europe. Now, the Council of EU says there is an agreement between EU decision makers for rapid construction … Read >