Easter Week is party time in Valencia, Spain, but visitors enjoy unique sights of the city as well

In Spain, every city and village has its own festivities that are unique to the community. A number of these fiestas have long traditions, whereas others, like the Tomatina near Valencia in Bunol is a recent innovation. In addition to … Read the story...

Apple iPad Mini 2019 model comes with handwriting, drawing, note taking capability

Ereader device manufacturers are developing their products to include writing and drawing functions, and tablet vendors are following the same trend. The biggest IT company in the world, Apple, has decided to transform its entry level iPad Mini table into … Read the story...

Ebook news digest: slow news, first time at a book fair, writers need a Plan B

News on ebooks, writing and self-publishing

man reading old bulletin board news. Photo by Filip Mishevski.
Why slow journalism and limited amount of news is growing a following

Nieman Lab has a story that you should read slowly and digest properly because a new trend is developing: slow journalism. Information … Read the story...

Ebook reading, travel, and other mobile apps may be leaking private data to Facebook

Writers, ebook lovers, travelers, and anyone who is using downloaded applications on their mobile phones or tablets are silently leaking their personal data to Facebook. A research organization has published a study that shows how apps, including popular travel applications … Read the story...