Year 2020 may be remembered as a pandemic year, but it may also be remembered as the year when ebooks made a breakthrough to the mass market in countries where print books dominated reading habits. Just like … Read >
Year 2020 may be remembered as a pandemic year, but it may also be remembered as the year when ebooks made a breakthrough to the mass market in countries where print books dominated reading habits. Just like … Read >
Scribd is an online ebook service that lets people read as many books as they have time to (certain restrictions apply)after they have paid a monthly subscription fee. The difference between this service and many other book subscription services is that Scribd has more than one million paying customers and … Read >
A traditional wisdom says that a book’s author, title and cover are the key factors for a customer to make a purchase decision. A survey conducted in Germany among people who mostly read ebooks published by indie authors shows slightly different decision making preferences.
The survey among 2342 people in … Read >
Tencent is a large social media and gaming enterprise in China, but the company has also been developing an online book publishing business. The ebook arm of the enterprise grew so rapidly that Tencent decided to detach it from the mother ship by issuing an IPO (Initial Public Offering) at … Read >
This is one of the most brilliant ideas I have ever heard of: a bookshop in Scotland lets a book lover run the store for a two week period. Then, the next shop manager moves in and does his or her best in the small bookstore. Two-week time slots for … Read >
Five tech giants, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft are marketing products that most of us use daily – some people perhaps use them most of the hours they are awake. Each of these tech giants is – one way or another – a media company. Amazon, Apple, Google, … Read >
Amazon may claim the title of the largest bookstore in the world, but the largest bricks-and-mortar store where you can walk in and touch the actual products is called the Book Garden. It is located in Tehran, Iran, and was opened in July 2017.
The vast bookstore is only one … Read >
Not only the Lello bookstore (aka Harry Potter bookstore) is attracting visitors in Porto, Portugal, but also local people don’t mind queuing to a bookstore every now and then.
… Read >
World Cities Culture Forum collects culture related data from large cities across the world. The organization publishes the data annually as statistics that describe what kind of cultural services the cities have and how citizens use them. One of the published statistics compares the number of bookstores and public libraries … Read >
Ebook stores, like Amazon, Apple and Google that have created a complete system for discovering, downloading, and reading digital books have a great advantage: they can track what their customers actually read, for how long, and which parts of books they skip. No one advertises the tracking feature that much, … Read >