It is easy to roam in Europe once you have arrived in the old continent. In some regions, remarkable cities and sights are so close one another that it only takes a couple of hours by car or by train to explore a new destination. … Read >
Tag: travel
Which travel guide is the best for me and for the destination I’m planning a trip?

When a traveler is planning a trip to a new destination, he or she usually looks up some information about the city, region, country or continent. The internet is a source of information, but many reviews and recommendations published at, for instance, travel … Read >
Why visit Valencia instead of Barcelona in Spain
Overtourism (too many tourists in the same place at the same time – crowds so large that they negatively affect the daily life of residents) is a serious problem in the world’s most popular travel destinations. Particularly legendary European cities and ancient towns are planning ways to restrict the number … Read >
The best scenic routes to drive and ride in Algarve, South Portugal
Views at Monchique.
Portugal’s southernmost province Algarve in the southwest corner of continental Europe is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and Spain. Long coastal dunes with beaches between tall cliffs are characteristic to Algarve, but also the inland landscape in the region is pretty (if you know where to go). … Read >
5 travel and tourism megatrends reflect the rise of new technologies, businesses and prospering nations
Travel and tourism is already one of the largest, yet also one of the fastest growing global industries. It was estimated to account for about 10% of global GDP in 2017. Entire regions depend on the arrival of tourists, like Bali or Southern Portugal. Since the world is changing, … Read >
Top 20 most visited countries in the world
France is still the number one tourist destination in the world according to the UNWTO (World Tourism Organization) statistics. The US has fallen third, and Spain has claimed the position of the second most visited country. At the continental level, the growth of visitors is the greatest in Europe, even … Read >
Travel guide to the city of contrasts: Valencia, Spain
As long as Spanish people living in inland regions have had the means to travel somewhere warm, Valencia has been one of the most popular destinations. Over the years, Americans, tourists from other Europeans countries and recently also Asians have discovered Valencia’s charm. Some travelers arrive in Valencia for the … Read >
Product review: Wunder360 C1 camera for 360-degree travel photography
Wunder360 C1 is a 360-degree camera that can record video and photographs that show everything around the camera (up and down, right and left, front and back). It is an entry-level, budget-friendly camera aimed at people who just want to snap images, perhaps apply a special effect to the image … Read >
Everything you need to know about the Honest Tribe that quietly minds its own business in Scandinavia
The Honest Tribe refers to people of Finland in Max Boyle’s travel book that explores the culture of this Nordic nation. The author visited a number of cities and villages in different parts of the scarcely populated country, crossed lakes, and tasted the local beer. What was it that made … Read >
Get our most downloaded travel guide for free
It looks like the ebook Traveling in Scandinavia has quickly risen to the most downloaded travel guide we have published. We would like to think it is only because the book includes sample chapters from our best guidebooks that cover the Nordic countries. Perhaps true, but we can’t forget the … Read >