Booking accommodation has high risk for fraud both online and offline

airbnb web page screen shot.
Screen capture of an Airbnb web page.

Scam artists have many ways to deceive travelers when they are booking accommodation. You might think that it is only online where the risk of becoming a victim of fraud is real, but that’s not the case. A survey discovered that making reservations … Read >

Phones, Instagram and selfie-sticks are transforming travel

selfie photograph takers at a viewing platform

Tourism is a key industry in Australia that is studied in universities. Professors of the University of Canberra have published a study The social media tourist gaze that focused on the effect of social media on travel. They discovered a relatively rapid transformation of travel interests and experiences caused by … Read >

Here are the countries where you have plenty of colleagues who also provide professional services online

If you are a writer or a freelancer providing writing-related services, like translation, editing, or proofreading, and you manage your assignments through online services, you know how global the business is. Many other professionals, such as programmers, graphic designers, and photographers also sell their services on global online freelance platforms. … Read >

Flexible smartphone lets you flick pages of an ebook like pages of a printed book

Many applications that let you read ebooks on a tablet have a nice feature: when you tap the screen to turn the page, an animation mimics the way the page flips in a printed book. Now, researchers at Queen’s University’s Human Media Lab in Canada have developed a prototype smartphone … Read >

Doing research for a book? A vast newsreel video archive can help you

Traditionally, authors doing research for their books visited a library or an archive in order to collect information on the topic of the book. Then, (fortunately) the world-wide-web and the Internet brought vast amounts of information (and misinformation) directly to authors’ desks. It only gets better: news organizations that have … Read >

Ebooks Are Top 5 Digital Content Type for All Age Groups

Young generations didn’t grow with printed newspapers, magazines or books, but a mobile phone firmly attached to their hands. It is not a big surprise that the Millennial generation consumes media content on their smartphones whereas Baby Boomers rely on desktops, laptops and even traditional media. Somewhat surprising is, however, … Read >