Tablet designed to endure the roughest conditions travelers and hikers may encounter

In addition to a mobile phone, many travelers carry a laptop or tablet along for their trips. Travelers buy protective cases for these electronic devices, trying to carefully protect them, but a sandstorm, tropical rain, or accidentally dropping the device on a floor may destroy it, anyhow. Dell has designed … Read >

97% of U.S. educators use some form of digital content in classrooms

Education is the largest market for books, non-fiction is the second largest and fiction is the third largest. Ebook markets, however, started developing from fiction, but behind the scenes, plenty of digital innovation has already taken place in educational institutions. That’s what the survey of educational market by Houghton Mifflin … Read >

Take a free three-week trip around France with Le Tour

The world’s largest public event probably is the annual cycling race around France – Le Tour de France. The first race took place in 1903 when newspaper reporters and photographers followed the race and reported what had happened. The race passed through villages, towns and cities, allowing millions of people … Read >