You ain’t seen nothing yet – if you haven’t visited a Cultural Route in Europe

cultural routes web page by european council.

Sometimes, on the road it is possible to find something unexpected, like a strange construction of stones, or a curiosity from ancient times that leaves a note in your long term memory. For instance, I encountered a huge field of megaliths in Brittany, France years ago. It was amazing, but … Read >

Have you already visited countries projected to be the most popular destinations of the future?

hochosterwitz castle in central austria. photo by arihak.
Hochosterwitz castle in Austria.

The most visited travel destinations in the world tend to be the same year after year, although changes happen as well. Changes are gradual – it may take 10 years, for instance, for the top 5 most popular countries to be reshuffled. A consultancy of large … Read >

News summary for planning your next tour in Europe by train

railway station helsinki, finland: passenger leaving and entering a train

During the past few years, railways and trains have been getting plenty of investment from the EU, from many European countries, and enterprises that see an opportunity in sustainable travel. New night train routes have been introduced, high-speed trains are connecting more cities across borders, and a number of … Read >

Booking accommodation has high risk for fraud both online and offline

airbnb web page screen shot.
Screen capture of an Airbnb web page.

Scam artists have many ways to deceive travelers when they are booking accommodation. You might think that it is only online where the risk of becoming a victim of fraud is real, but that’s not the case. A survey discovered that making reservations … Read >

Sure, states have capitals, but in Europe there are also culture, smart, and green capitals

torino (turin) flower market in italy. photo by arihak.
Torino city center in northern Italy.

Yes, we know that the capital of Latvia is Riga and the capital of Slovakia is Bratislava, but what on earth is the Green, Smart, Innovation, or Culture Capital of Europe? Well, they are capitals of European countries that have been awarded an extra … Read >

A traveler is more likely to get scammed when booking a trip than being robbed in a destination travel reservation login screen capture

It is quite natural that we are concerned about things that may happen to us in an unfamiliar travel destination. We tend to be cautious and make preparations to protect our valuables. The real danger, however, may be in another direction. If you are making reservations for your next trip … Read >

Nitpicker’s travel journal: travel lessons learned in 2024

krakow main square in poland, photo by arihak.
Krakow, Poland.

Nothing in the world is perfect. Nitpicker can always find something he believes could be made a tiny fraction better. Not to mention travel – when real life experiences in a destination don’t match the expectations and everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. Well, that’s the beauty … Read >