The shock effect of artificial intelligence technology on publishing industry

Frankfurt book fair, China booth

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a software technology that usually relies on large amounts of data that is fed to smart algorithms for making informed choices. It is not black magic that solves all the problems of the world, but AI has been successfully used for specific applications. Book publishers, newspapers … Read >

5 travel and tourism megatrends reflect the rise of new technologies, businesses and prospering nations

Travel and tourism is already one of the largest, yet also one of the fastest growing global industries. It was estimated to account for about 10% of global GDP in 2017. Entire regions depend on the arrival of tourists, like Bali or Southern Portugal. Since the world is changing, … Read >

Trends in book business: small publishers win big traditional publishers in specific ebook genres

A new report on the state of the ebook, audiobook and print book markets in the US was recently delivered by the number-crunching wizard Data Guy at Digital Book World Conference 2018. The statistics – that cover almost the entire online books sales in the US – indicate that … Read >