Instagram is so dominant social media service for sharing photos that trending hashtags and number of likes for images indicate the popularity of not only photos but subjects on those pictures. Inkifi, a photo printing service, calculated the most photographed travel … Read >
Tag: UK
If you have always wanted to stay a night at a library, now it is possible in Wales
There is an atmosphere of utmost safety and eternal truth in old libraries. They are like small and simple worlds inside the big and complex world we live in. On top of that, old libraries often are beautiful. So, who wouldn’t like to stay a night in a library where … Read >
Digital Book Revenues Accounted for 35% of the UK Publishing Market in 2014
The UK Publishers Association has tallied up the numbers for the book market in the United Kingdom in 2014, and the results are pleasant reading for ebook publishers, but not so for print book publishers. Revenues from digital products accounted for 35% of the total market in the UK in … Read >