Travel news digest: Airbnb says road trips are in, EU opens borders for tourists, campervan packing tips

autobahn a5 in herbolzheim, germany
Autobahn A5 in southern Germany.

EU to allow visitors from 14 countries in July

European countries are opening their borders for travelers in July 2020 after the first wave of corona virus has subsided. Travel within EU is mostly allowed (Sweden is an exception), and 14 countries outside the EU … Read >

Ebook news digest: travel is resuming, digital product licenses, working from motorhome

motorhome on a road. photo by sebastien goldberg
Photo by Sebastien Goldberg.

News about ebooks, writing and travel

Rick Steves about travel writing and the slow return Of European travel

Travel professionals seem to agree that travel will resume in the second half of 2020, but primarily it will regional and conducted by car. As Rick Steves puts … Read >

The safest countries for travel are in Northern and Central Europe

tromso cafe on a mountain
Tromsö, Norway in Lapland.

If you want to avoid all risks, your options for traveling the world are extremely limited. For venturing a little bit further than the neighborhood park, you have to take some chances. In any case, for an average traveler, it makes sense to stay out of … Read >

Ensure safe internet access at Airbnb rentals, and other security tips for travelers

North Portugal, office of a digital nomad on kitchen table

Every remote worker and digital nomad who works and travels knows the satisfied feeling when a reliable and secure internet connection has been successfully setup in a new destination. It is a big relief. Work, getting information about the new environment, connections to friends and family depend on access to … Read >

Finland designated the best wildlife travel destination 2019

fell scenery in lapland kilpisjärvi
Scenery in Lapland, Kilpisjärvi.

The summer of 2019 in Finland’s capital Helsinki was the first time when I thought that finally, overseas tourists have discovered the city. Tourist groups toured even in the new Oodi library, and happily camped in Nuuksio national park just outside the city. Something is … Read >

Easter Week is party time in Valencia, Spain, but visitors enjoy unique sights of the city as well

In Spain, every city and village has its own festivities that are unique to the community. A number of these fiestas have long traditions, whereas others, like the Tomatina near Valencia in Bunol is a recent innovation. In addition to gazillion of local fiestas, national holidays are celebrated in Spain … Read >

Travel guide to the city of contrasts: Valencia, Spain

As long as Spanish people living in inland regions have had the means to travel somewhere warm, Valencia has been one of the most popular destinations. Over the years, Americans, tourists from other Europeans countries and recently also Asians have discovered Valencia’s charm. Some travelers arrive in Valencia for the … Read >

The Spanish way of celebrating Christmas: a night out in Valencia

In the Western world, Christmas traditions are similar in many countries: presents, Santa Claus, colorful lights, reindeer, Christmas tree, and songs about a peaceful celebration of the darkest time of the year in the northern hemisphere. In Spain, Christmas is not necessarily the number one festivity of the year. Here … Read >

Top 5 must-see historical places in the city of contrasts: Valencia, Spain

Our travel guidebook author has explored the ins and outs of the city of Valencia in Spain, and this is his conclusion: Valencia is a city of contrasts, an exciting destination even for travelers who think they have seen it all. The ancient city center with majestic buildings and ancient … Read >