Would you buy a second hand car from an individual without seeing the vehicle and test driving it? Probably not. Would you pay for a hotel room without seeing it? Yes, because a business is running the hotel and there are rules and laws it has to follow – not … Read >
Globally, ebook markets to continue steady growth during the next few years
In North America, where Amazon kicked off the modern ebook business in 2007, some book industry experts today are lamenting the recent decline of ebook revenues. Ebook markets outside the US, however, have a different situation and possibly also outlook for the future. PWC, a consultancy, forecasts that globally ebook … Read >
Ebook news digest: ever-important editing, ebooks from grocery store, tools for digital nomads
Ebook news digest October 19, 2016
As American editors sharpen their pencils, some advice on writing short (Poynter)
We still have great difficulties in understanding how Stieg Larsson’s mega-successful Millennium series books escaped the publishing editor’s wordprocessor. There is a lot of meaningless writing in those books, although … Read >
A small, easy-to-use drone for serious selfie-photographers
Selfie-sticks are surprisingly popular, even though they let you take photos from a very limited angle, and that’s why selfie-stick photos tend to look the same. We don’t expect to see as many selfie sticks at tourist destinations next peak season anymore as we have seen this year. Ambitious selfie … Read >
Five new Unesco World Heritage sites located in Europe
If a destination has been granted the honor of being included in the Unesco World Heritage List, it usually means that the site worth visiting and exploring. Recently, we were traveling in central Spain, and on a chilly morning we arrived in a town called Avila. We hadn’t done any … Read >
Unlimited streaming of ebooks, magazines, music and movies from Cstream in France
We are used to getting our daily dose of television from broadcast networks, music from radio or Spotify, and books from a bookstore. Since media has become digital and is conveniently available on the Internet, content could be made available to us from one source. It is convenient and easy … Read >
Packing light for a trip is easier said than done – here are a few good tips
Packing the right gear for a beach vacation or for skiing weekend on the mountains is very easy. You know exactly how the weather and the environment will be. The only question really is how many party outfits you want to pack in your suitcase.
If you are planning a … Read >
Ebook news digest: the unbreakable rule in writing, YouTube stars as authors, learning about privacy
Ebook news digest September 29, 2016
The One Unbreakable Rule in Business Writing (Harvard Business Review)
You’ll have to read the article to find the answer, because the reason we wanted to feature this story is that it presents three valuable questions that every nonfiction author must be … Read >
Where travellers want to go and where they really end up in are two different things
What we dream of doing and what we actually end up doing are often two different things in real life. Yet, dreaming and planning towards a goal is valuable because it may make us strive for something. This applies to travel as well: the travel destinations that people are most … Read >