Almost everyone loves to work remotely, but how to ensure those daily hours are productive?

Many professionals, for instance, writers, artists, and designers have been working remotely – alone at home or in a study near home – for ages. It has been considered something that came with the profession. Recently knowledge workers who commuted daily to an office have realized that they could do … Read >

Ebook news digest: where writers work, photography from above, survival tips after disappointing book sales

News on ebooks, writing and photography

writing tools, photo by Reuben Ingber (Flickr)
The Rooms Where Writers Work
The New York Times

Romantic images of writers typing in an attic at night, or in a solitude of a wilderness cabin are mostly only romantic visions. Most writers create a dedicated space for themselves where they can work … Read >

Here are the countries where you have plenty of colleagues who also provide professional services online

If you are a writer or a freelancer providing writing-related services, like translation, editing, or proofreading, and you manage your assignments through online services, you know how global the business is. Many other professionals, such as programmers, graphic designers, and photographers also sell their services on global online freelance platforms. … Read >