Ebook news digest: best writing apps of 2018, Kindle as an agent of change, travel writing as a career

News on ebooks, writing and publishing

writer's eyeglasses on computer keyboard
The Best Writing Apps of 2018
PC Mag

The PC Mag article introduces a bunch of writing applications designed for novel, screen, or distraction-free writing. The article features a fine selection of apps, but if you want to find the best free distraction-free writing apps, read this article.

The Kindle Changed the Book Business. Can It Change Books?

A question worth pondering after Amazon Kindle e-reading system (e-reader, ebooks, participating publishers and authors, and the related cloud services) became 10 years old. If not the Kindle, someone or something will change books in the years to come.

Secrets to Earning Six Figures in Freelance Travel Writing
Make a Living Writing

Travel writer Tim Leffel has published a book on making a career as a travel writer. He highlights a few key themes from the book in this article. Instead of focusing on six figures, two important tips for aspiring writers in the article are: find your niche (for instance, adventure travel, road trips, travel hacks) and complement writing with other jobs.

Silicon Valley Won’t Save Books
New Republic

“Books were overtaken by other media decades ago. The problem isn’t that books don’t have enough television in them, or enough internet in them; it’s that they are just one form of readily available cultural consumption among so many.”

The Engineer’s Cookbook
Kari Ojala

Only an engineer can advise another engineer on cooking. This cookbook is different because it has been written by an engineer who can cook: even geeks and nerds learn how to prepare simple but delicious meals with this book.

A Turbulent Year in the Publishing World
The Scientist

Copyright fights and other events in the world of scientific and academic publishing in 2017.

The Most-Rejected Books of All Time

Perseverance is often named as one of the most important assets a successful author must have. If you take a look at the list of most rejected fiction books, almost all of them are classics or very popular books today. It is worth noting that nonfiction writers don’t have to write the entire book before submitting it to a publisher, like fiction writers usually must do.

Tencent’s online bookstore unit whips up more IPO fever in Hong Kong
The Business Times

The Chinese enterprise Tencent listed its ebook business into the stock market, and investors went wild. The ebook stores the company is operating are already very popular, and now, investors are expecting innovations for digital media from the company.

‘Where do I think best? In bed’ – authors reveal their dream retreats
The Guardian

The common theme of the places where these authors like to think or write are private places where they can be alone, or public places where they can be undisturbed.