Ebook news digest: how to loan a Kindle book, Facebook Messenger delivers ebooks, writing test

News on ebooks, writing and photography

Amazon Kindle ereader on PC keyboard
How to share books on a Kindle

How many Amazon Kindle ereader owners knew that it is possible to loan ebooks from own account to friends and family? Well, it is actually quite easy. When you loan an ebook to someone else, it disappears … Read >

Ebook news digest: best writing apps of 2018, Kindle as an agent of change, travel writing as a career

News on ebooks, writing and publishing

writer's eyeglasses on computer keyboard
The Best Writing Apps of 2018
PC Mag

The PC Mag article introduces a bunch of writing applications designed for novel, screen, or distraction-free writing. The article features a fine selection of apps, but if you want to find the best free distraction-free writing … Read >