Phones, Instagram and selfie-sticks are transforming travel

selfie photograph takers at a viewing platform

Tourism is a key industry in Australia that is studied in universities. Professors of the University of Canberra have published a study The social media tourist gaze that focused on the effect of social media on travel. They discovered a relatively rapid transformation of travel interests and experiences caused by … Read >

This is what the Apple iPhone X camera means for travel photography

Many travelers, writers and even professional photographers trust in their smartphone cameras for capturing important images that document their journeys and remarkable moments in life. The Apple iPhone X has so many features for photographers that it allows travelers to reconsider the contents of their photography kits.

Apple iPhone X camera feature: face recognition
The iPhone X … Read >

Top 10 most photographed sights in Europe in 2017 according to Instagram

Europe is the number one travel destination in the world. Especially, the historical cities of the continent attract tourists (at least, before they find the beaches and mountains). The most photographed sights of Europe are familiar for most travelers even they haven’t visited the sites themselves yet.

Here is ranking … Read >

Why take a selfie in front of Eiffel Tower? Here are top 10 selfie locations in Europe

Which travel destination in Europe is the most popular for taking selfies? No, it is not Heathrow or Barcelona airport, nor Big Ben, but Eiffel Tower in Paris. That’s what British tourists ranked the highest when they were asked about their favorite selfie shooting locations in Europe.
Paris, France, Europe, Eiffel tower
Even though France … Read >

A camera that can film your movement on a surf board, horseback or ski slope like a cameraman

Travelers, selfie-photographers and hobbyist photographers have situations when they would like to be in the frame themselves, but there is no one around who could take the photo. Of course, camera’s self timer can be activated, but how about video recording? If the person who is being filmed moves around, … Read >