Handy stand and case for ereaders, tablets and smartphones

Holding a tablet or ereader for a long period makes you think that we have all these smart gadgets but no manufacturer has bothered to equip them with a feature that would hold them upright when set on a flat surface. Fortunately, accessory manufacturers are there when we need them. In Germany, a company called Reboon has designed a case for tablets and ereaders that doubles as a clever all-round stand for all gadgets.
reboon booncover, car dashboard
The product is called Booncover, and it is priced at 39 Euros for 6-8 inch ereaders/tablets and 44 Euros for larger tablets.

At first glance, the Booncover looks like another case whose cover can be adjusted to an angle so that it stands freely on a flat surface. The real novelty of the product, however, is that you can instantly attach the case to many surfaces, like car dashboard, bathroom wall, fridge door, or to another place where you want to use your ereader, tablet or smartphone. Then, you attach your gadget to the Booncover case.
reboon booncover, stand adjust
The trick is two special stickers (included with the product) that the accessory vendor calls boons. One sticker holds the case in place and the other one holds the gadget in the case.

Lesen.net has captured a video where a Reboon representative shows how the Booncover works.

reboon booncover, bathroom wall

reboon booncover case

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