A village in Madeira Island has opened a center for digital nomads
Madeira is a pretty, mountainous, green island in the Atlantic Ocean off the North African coast. The small island belongs to Portugal, but since it is quite faraway from the continental Portugal, it has its own culture. Anyway, a village on the island has built an office space that is offered for digital nomads for free. Even internet connection via Wi-Fi is free. Nomads have to arrange their own accommodation and other expenses. Madeira is not ideal for party animals or beach lovers, but greatly enjoyed by nature lovers, hikers, cyclists, and perhaps photographers.
25 trip ideas for touring Europe
The article presents beautiful trips on mountains, on the sea, road trips along coasts, and classic train journeys. Only one suggestion makes me wonder: why would anyone want to pedal from London to Paris?
Electric campervan concept from Nissan with solar panels, off-road capability
Nissan e-NV200 is a small van but can be used as a campervan as well. Now, Nissan has created an electric version of the van and turned it into a campervan. Solar panels provide power if the van is parked off the grid and off-road wheels allows adventures into mountains and countryside.
The North Coast of Iceland is open for road trips
National Geographic drove the new Arctic Coast Way that follows Iceland’s rugged, tourist-free (so far) north coast. For summer only: from May to September – this is the Arctic, after all, where the summer light and warmth fades quickly after September.
Travel guide to the Arctic region in Nordic countries
The northernmost region of Sweden, Norway, and Finland is called Lapland, one of the last large wilderness areas in Europe. Travel is possible round the year, but road trips recommended during summer only.
Survey discovered young adults ready to pay more for ecological travel
Yound adults are willing to pay 25% more for eco-friendly travel experience, whereas 55 year old and older would pay 10% more for green travel. This is excellent news for the planet, but as always, real action is completely different than an opinion in a survey.
Travel to Europe dropped to a level experienced 30 years ago, but quick rebound expected by 2023
Travel as been restricted since the seriousness of the pandemic was realized, making 2020 a terrible year for tourism businesses. European Travel Commission has published a report European Tourism Trends & Prospects where the Commission expects rapid – in two years – bounce back to travel as it was in 2019.
VW creates certification program for aftermarket campervan converters
Volkswagen received so many requests and orders for campervans in 2020, and it still continues, that the company decided to establish a program for independent businesses that build campervans from VW vans. If the business certifies its aftermarket campervan (Motorhome Qualification Scheme), VW grants warranty for the vehicle.