Ebook news digest: blockchain for publishing, pirate site for academics, the fear of second book

News on ebooks, writing and photography

digital nomad's office on an outdoor terrace in Italy
Jenni L. Walsh’s Three Tips for Book Two
The Debutante Ball

I think many authors are making a big deal out of the difficulty of writing your second book. It can be a little scary, because now you know how much work it requires, but on the other hand, you also know how to do it. My opinion is that the second book is easier than the first. In any case, the article has good tips for overcoming the fear of the second book.

The Internet Made Information Free: Now It Has Come For Academic Research

A pirate site for academic literature, Sci-hub, just may be the force of change for the traditional business models in academic publishing.

Traditional or indie? Hybrid author Nick Spalding looks at publishing from both sides
Publishing Talk

A successful author shares a few tips how he made it. Spalding says he never gives away his books for free, which is contrary to the common mantra that authors should give their books away for free in order to sell their other books.

Blockchain and digital publishing – The disruption has begun
Ryan Jorgensen

A view how the blockchain technology used in cryptocurrencies could affect the distribution of digital media products, such as ebooks.

5 Tips for Better Travel Photography
Digital Photography School

When a photographer shares tips for travel photography, the images shared with the article should be really, really good. In this article, they are.

5 Cities Where Remote Work is On the Rise

I would choose number 3 or 4 for my next destination out of these 5 cities, and avoid number 1. Every time I read a story where someone is praising Bali as a paradise, I think he or she has never even visited the island.

The Future of Peer Review
Scientific American

The author of the article suggests a formal process, tools, registers and rewards for ensuring the tradition of peer reviews of scientific and other documents continues.

Free download: Traveling in Scandinavia
Klaava Travel Guide

Tips for understanding Finland, Norway and Sweden, and for planning a trip to this large region in North Europe.

“A thesis is written for examiners, an academic book for scholars in general” – the basics of writing a book from your PhD
LSE Impact Blog

In other words, repurposing content.

One thought on “Ebook news digest: blockchain for publishing, pirate site for academics, the fear of second book

  1. The technology might help to create more open environment for writers. As I know there is a start-up called Publica.io and they want to develop usage of blockchain in industry. To be honest, now it sounds like they are going to build a new world but by knowing how technologies are moving forward, it would be awesome!

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