Ebooks news digest: dealing with a big publisher, writers conferences, tips from Hemingway

Ebook news digest December 21, 2017

book conference, frankfurt, publishing perspectives
Why I still won’t review for or publish with Elsevier–and think you shouldn’t either
(Tal Yarkoni)

Scientific publishing is a vast business sector within the publishing industry. The biggest publisher of the sector is Elsevier that has been often accused of acting like a monopoly. Tal Yarkoni highlights so many issues with Elsevier that it is almost scary. In many countries, published authors can join an association (non-fiction and fiction may have separate associations) that can represent authors when they feel they have been mistreated by publishers. In many European countries, associations employ intellectual property rights/copyright lawyers who know how to deal with often complex cases. Tal Yarkoni’s strategy, however, is crowdsourcing: using the power of the scientific community to pressure the publisher.

Which Writers’ Conferences are the Best to Attend?
(The Write Life)

An introduction to writers’ conferences in the U.S in 2017. Whatever the conference, it is good for a writer to occasionally mingle in real life among real people and talk – not just write.

My 5 Top Complaints about Being a Digital Nomad
(Julie Ewald)

If an article or a book manuscript includes the phrase “don’t get me wrong” or even worse, it starts with that useless phrase, it is not a good sign about the quality of the story. Julie Ewald’s blog post, however, features so much valuable practical information for traveling digital workers that it makes an exception. Read the article if you are planning to hit the road with a laptop.

Hemingway’s Advice on Writing, Ambition, the Art of Revision, and His Reading List of Essential Books for Aspiring Writers


Hemingway was a strong character who had his own ways of enjoying his success. A Norwegian youngster managed to make friends with Hemingway. The master himself gave the young man writing advice that was later published in the book With Hemingway: A Year in Key West and Cuba. The article highlights some of Hemingway’s tips from the book and shares the background for what happened.

Gift Guide: Books Most Recommended By FORBES In 2016

Business magazine Forbes recommends both nonfiction and fiction books as gifts for 2016 season. Ebooks can be gifted by purchasing a gift card to an online bookstore. First, you buy the gift card from an online store. Then, you give it as a gift to someone. When the person who got the gift wants to enjoy it, he or she logs in to the same bookstore, finds a book, and enters the code printed on the gift card instead of paying for the book.

Here is our recommended book list.