Ebook news digest: see the world from home, how writers can fight content robbers, award winning books

collabora office for writing and editing on a phone and tablet
Collabora Office on a phone.

News on ebooks, writing and travel

Take a Look How Europe’s Ruined Medieval Castles Come Back to Life

A fascinating project by NeoMam Studios lets you view how a medieval fortress or castle is reconstructed. The work is happening in the digital world only, not … Read >

Ebook news digest: the honor of ebooks, free writing contests, translating a book

News on ebooks, writing and remote work

Apple iPad on bookshelf with books
Defending the honor of ebooks (and innovation)
No Shelf Required

A quote from the article hits right into the core benefits of ebooks: “The promise of the digital medium is to democratize and equalize access to knowledge, which, like information, wants to be … Read >