A traveler is more likely to get scammed when booking a trip than being robbed in a destination

booking.com travel reservation login screen capture

It is quite natural that we are concerned about things that may happen to us in an unfamiliar travel destination. We tend to be cautious and make preparations to protect our valuables. The real danger, however, may be in another direction. If you are making reservations for your next trip … Read >

You are not the only one making travel plans for next trips right now

finger pointing at a map on laptop screen

Every traveler experiences a period when it is impossible to embark on a new trip. Perhaps the reason is too much work, too little money, sickness, or international border controls that simply don’t allow traveling. That’s the perfect time to plan for new trips that can start when times are … Read >

Tips for Helsinki visitors when the Nordic weather doesn’t show its best sides

Finland’s capital Helsinki is the city where the biggest celebrations during the country’s 100th independence year take place. All kinds of events have been organized through the year, and the 6th December 2017 is the big day. November and December happen to be the darkest months in terms of daylight … Read >

Nonfiction writing tips from a writer who has won the Pulitzer Prize

Bret Stephens, a Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, recently joined The New York Times. One of his first articles for the newspaper was a collection of tips for writing news, articles and columns. Altogether, Brett Stephens shares 15 tips for writers, from which I selected 7 that apply to all nonfiction writers.… Read >

Ebook news digest: ebooks in metro, tips for headlines, how to start travel photography

News on ebooks, writing and photography

Murcia, bookshop of antique books
New York Public Library turns subway cars into mobile ebook libraries
Boing Boing

Some New York metro cars have been equipped with Wi-Fi signal that connects commuters to the city library for ebooks. Nice idea, since under the ground it is rare to get … Read >