There are cities where you instantly become aware of the air quality when you open the hotel door to a busy street and smell toxic gases floating all over the place. An unfortunate choice of destination, … Read >
There are cities where you instantly become aware of the air quality when you open the hotel door to a busy street and smell toxic gases floating all over the place. An unfortunate choice of destination, … Read >
Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) has published its annual index that measures overall conditions for living a good life (something like the quality of life) in cities across the world. Austrian capital Vienna (Wien) claimed the number one position for the … Read >
When we travel for a long weekend or for a couple of weeks vacation we are usually interested in the destination alone. Whatever we can discover about the quality of life and work in the destination is an added … Read >
Every smartphone manufacturer believes the camera on the company’s high-end product is the best in the market. Image quality is, however, very difficult to prove. Countless camera tests among the top smartphone brands have been published, but because people tend to favor different attributes in images, tests conducted by asking … Read >