Travel guidebooks for audiobook lovers

Photo Daniel Mccullough.

Audiobooks have become popular in situations when reading a book is not possible, such as driving a car, while doing household chores or simply when it is time to let the eyes rest. Even the popular music streaming service Spotify has began offering audiobooks for listeners. We have produced three audiobooks from our Klaava Travel Guide series, let’s take a listen.

Google’s new auto-narrator service that can read ebooks aloud was used to convert travel guidebooks into audiobooks. We are happy with the results, and you can make up your mind after listening to the samples below.

Here is a sample from the audiobook Gothenburg and Sweden’s West Coast:

The travel guide guide to Finland’s capital Helsinki sounds like this as an audiobook The Best of Helsinki:

Also our travel guide to Southern France The Gems of Nice and the French Riviera was given the audiobook treatment.

While the auto-narrator is fluent with English language and English names, Swedish, Finnish and French names are not as easy to pronounce. That’s the way it tends to be in real life as well, but learning a few words of foreign language belongs to an adventure in a country you are visiting.

google play books: klaava travel guide audiobooks