Ebook news digest: why write a book, importance of manuscript editing, nomad culture

News on ebooks, writing, publishing and travel life

North Portugal, office of a digital nomad on kitchen table

What are your publishing goals?
Kindle Press

Thinking and deciding on your goal – what are you really trying to achieve – for your planned book is one of the best questions to answer before even starting to write.

The Guardian pulls out of Facebook’s Instant Articles and Apple News

This is big news in the business of digital media – knowing that other big publishers, like The New York Times have quit Facebook as well. Actually, it is simple: news organizations are publishers who select their distribution channels based on the business opportunity. The same applies to ebook publishers.

The Digital Nomad Life: Combining Work and Travel
The New York Times

The New York Times has followed and interviewed digital nomads who participated in organized around the world remote work trips. Typically, they stay one month in a destination. A participant regarded that it was an excellent way to live like a local and experience local life.

Self-Publishing, Distribution, and Writing for Wealth with Author Joanna Penn
Tara Gentile

Non-fiction author and entrepreneur Joanna Penn talks about her business that was started by her books. Marketing tips for authors.

How to Be a Writer Literary Agents Want
Writer’s Digest

In some markets, a writer needs an agent to get in touch with a number of publishers, and the article shares good tips for it. In many markets, publishers don’t require an agent to represent the author. For instance, if you are planning a non-fiction ebook, read this first.

Meet Susan Hughes – Editor
Life as I Know It

Editing is an elemental part of the process of writing a book. Plan enough time for editing when you start your project. Susan Hughes shares other valuabe tips as well.

Traveling to North Europe? Try Finland, join the nation’s 100th Independence year celebrations
The Lighter Side of Finland

The author of the entertaining ebook believes he has discovered the secret for Finns’ wellbeing.

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