The peak season for traveling to the northernmost point of Europe is in July and August. The trip to Nordkapp (North Cape) in Norway can be made any time of the year, but the weather is the most temperate and roads are open in summer (in winter, there can be delays), and you can experience the midnight sun as well. As magnificent as Nordkapp is, the long journey over fells and along the shores of fjords can be even more spectacular experience than Nordkapp itself. Take a look at our photo and video tour to Nordkapp (there is more in Lapland travel guide that is available for download).

There are two routes that take you 100 km/62 miles from Nordkapp. The routes meet at Olderfjord, where only one road leads north to the top of the European continent. The road from Alta to Olderfjord is perhaps faster, but perhaps a bit boring (if any road can be boring in Norway) as far as scenery is considered. The road from Lakselv to Olderfjord provides spectacular sights because it closely follows Porsangerfjord’s coastline.
There are no ferry rides on the way to Nordkapp, but there are two long tunnels. Both tunnels are narrow, dark and wet. They plunge a long way down before a steep ascent back to daylight begins. For cars, motorhomes and motorbikes the tunnels are like driving a steep downhill and uphill in the dark, but for cyclists they can be very dangerous because of poor visibility and narrow lanes.
We met a few fishermen who like to travel to Lapland every summer, and occasionally they visit Nordkapp as well. One of them had been unlucky, he had traveled to Nordkapp four times, and every time it was covered in fog. If there is no fog, wind can blow so hard it is difficult to walk straight, but hey, there is only the Arctic Ocean around you at Nordkapp.
It is a long way to Nordkapp, but the journey itself is an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life.
Video filmed during a single trip to Nordkapp shows the majestic landscape and the quickly changing weather.
Find out more road travel tips and essential information on touring in Lapland in travel guidebook Lapland.
Travel photo gallery, on the road to Nordkapp.