So little time, so many places, and so limited travel budget. It is impossible to visit every interesting destination on earth personally. What if there was a robot that could visit some of the destinations for you, would you pay for the service? Teletrip is trying to do exactly that: … Read >
Category: Technology
Analyzed: the best travel apps for smartphones
Travel related activities are dramatically changing thanks to innovations in digital technology. GPS-assisted maps on a smartphone or travel guidebooks on a tablet are essential tools for all travelers today. A new wave of travel applications has disrupted established industries, like lodging and car rental. Probably because of the phase … Read >
Which Android smartwatch is the best for a traveler?
Smartphones, tablets and laptops have helped many travelers in dire situations overseas. Maybe it is maps that are required, assistance for navigation, help for translation or simply converting currencies or distance to traveler’s own standard. The smaller the helpful gadget is, the easier it is to access, and it is … Read >
Before booking a hotel room for your next trip, check out its Wi-Fi speed
Practically every hotel and hostel advertises that they have a wireless Internet connection (Wi-Fi, WLAN) available for free or for a small fee. Sure, but does the wireless access really work? Is it fast enough for web browsing, watching news from home, or even for games? Now, there is a … Read >
Hands-on Test: Can the Apple Watch Help Travelers on the Road?
The Apple Watch may look like any other modern, somewhat bulky electronic wristwatch, but it is much more than that. The smartwatch from Apple is a tiny computer that is connected to its owner’s iPhone via wireless Bluetooth connection. The exciting thing with the Apple Watch is that you can … Read >
Would You Read an Ebook on Your Smartwatch?
Applications that let us read ebooks on ereaders, tablets, smartphones and laptop computers have been available for years. Especially young book lovers find it pretty natural to read on a five-inch smartphone screen, while older generations grab a tablet or an ereader when they want to read. Those readers who … Read >
Apple Has Patented a Peer-to-Peer Media Content Distribution Method
Pirate sites that let visitors download ebooks, MP3 music, movies and TV shows typically apply a P2P (Peer-to-Peer) technology like BitTorrent for content downloads, because P2P balances the required resources among downloaders. Even though P2P has managed to establish a bad name (probably because of misunderstanding) for a universal technology, … Read >