Mongolia is barren, dry and remote country, but it also has beautiful moments and landscapes

Few people travel to Mongolia for vacation probably because the destination doesn’t have any obvious tourist attractions. The statue of Genghis Khan in capital Ulaanbaatar alone isn’t a reason to plan a trip to Mongolia, but there are many other … Read the story...

Flight Plan application for a drone lets you create a predetermined route for fascinating travel photography

Piloting a drone is more difficult than promotional videos filmed by manufacturers let you understand. Travel photographers who use drones in order to get new angles to places that have been photographed millions of times, should find the new feature … Read the story...

Accidental cultural conflicts are often excused for tourists, but in some countries, serious consequences await

Experiencing and learning about foreign cultures is one of the best things when traveling overseas. The further away from home you travel, the more you should pay attention to getting familiar with cultural issues and local habits in the destination. … Read the story...

Visit the places in Spain where the sixth season of Game of Thrones is being filmed

The sixth season of the popular TV series Game of Thrones is being filmed in Spain during autumn 2015. Film makers have decided to shoot in multiple locations in northern, central and eastern Spain. These are spectacular, quite exotic locations … Read the story...