Finns can tango, but why do they do it? Book reveals the secrets of Finnish life

Finns seem to be so enthusiastic about tango that they annually crown a new tango king and queen. Is there a secret of Finnish life that others don’t know about?

The best person to analyze it is naturally someone who isn’t a Finn, but knows them thoroughly. Russell Snyder, an author and journalist, has published a book titled Analysis of the Finnish Tango that kindly reveals the secrets of the nation, its culture and unique habits of people.

Download ebook: Analysis of the Finnish Tango

Analysis Of The Finnish Tango is a collection of flash fiction works and poems dealing with Finland, its society and its culture. These texts are not meant to be an accurate representation of the Finnish population. They are simply the author’s personal glimpses of people’s behavior, conversations around a dinner table, discussions in the sauna, chats in pubs, communications at the workplace and personal associations with Finns at large.

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